At the point when I strolled into Bahadursha Park it was right around three PM. It was worked in 1858 at the activity of Nawab Khwaja Abdul Ghani, in the Sadarghat zone of Old Dhaka. It was called Victoria Park until 1947 (It was additionally the year where the British at last left the Indian Sub-landmass). From that point onward, it was renamed after Bahadur Shah II, the last Mughal ruler. Nonetheless, individuals despite everything call the spot Victoria Park, and not the opposite way around. Perhaps it is simple for them to articulate the word 'Victoria' than the word 'bahadursha' or it could essentially be that individuals became acclimated to call the spot Victoria Park. Indeed, I will likewise adhere to individuals' inclination.
It has been a very long time since I really went to a spot in Old Dhaka. I sat before the tall commemoration at the eastern side of the recreation center. The evening was exceptionally sweltering and damp and I had this inclination that I expected to drink something gravely. I had a little container of 'mineral water' with me; so I drank from my little jug as I took a gander at the tall dedication, which remembers the rising of the seat of Queen Victoria as Empress of India and British Empire.
Tall trees with green, vibrating leaves plagued through its high and wide bend like opening on the eastern side (there are four such openings on four sides, confronting four distinct bearings) as their long and entrapped branches moved delicately toward the evening breeze. Pieces and bits of blue sky could be seen through the branches and the leaves. I continued taking a gander at the charming scene and began to feel like I had been moved back to the Victorian Era. The scene truly looked like Victorian to me; like a bit of Victorian England was peering through the opening.
I went through at any rate 60 minutes, sitting at a similar spot and appreciating the eminent scene. An exceptionally cool and alleviating breeze blew occasionally, just God knows from where, amidst deplorable warmth of one more dry and rainless storm evening.
From antiquated time, individuals went far and wide from the spots of their source. Numerous among them settled down in removed and faraway grounds, doing exchange and trade; and inevitably assumed responsibility for local people. All the while, they left remainders of their own societies and times. In this way, there could be pieces and bits of history and societies of far off terrains, holding on to be found by us - not so distant from the spots we live in. It's that we never minded to take the time and inconvenience to arrive.